Dachstein Tourismus AG
Gosauseestraße 52
4824 Gosau
Phone +43 50 140
E-mail info@dachstein.at

Legal notice
Dachstein Tourismus AG: VAT number ATU 22872602, FN 75705g
Principal office Dachstein Tourismus AG: Gosau
All prices listed on the pages are in EUR, prices subject to change.
Data privacy is very important to us. The data privacy statement is based on the terms used by the European body issuing directives and regulations when issuing the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO).
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
Technical implementation & operation:
by Bright IT
Copyrights: Dachstein Tourismus AG, OÖ Tourismus, Leo Himsl, Reinhard Hörmandinger, Hermann Erber, Christian Eder, Tourismusverband Russbach, Helmut Strasser, snow sports russbach, Gosauer Skischule, OÖ Seilbahnholding GmbH, Herbert Raffalt, Smart Solution, Manfred Keller, Tourismusverband Abtenau, Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, D. Schaufler, STMG, MirjaGeh, Atomic, Fischer Ski, Tourismusverband Annaberg, Salzburger Land Tourismus, Freepik, The Creating Click, BusyBee Photography, Oliver Deutsch
Illustrationen: S+D Werbeagentur GmbH, freihand|kommunikation & design
Panorama: Kartographie Moser
Interactive panorama: intermaps Software GmbH
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Dachstein Tourismus AG:
Gosauseestraße 52
4824 Gosau
Phone +43 50 140